
An abnormal concentration dependence of the thermal conductivity of nanocomposites Titanium Nitride-Aluminum Nitride and zirconium carbide-zirconium diboride has been experimentally established from the volume fraction of components. An explanation of the nature of the anomalous dependence and a technique for an approximate estimation of the dependence of the thermal conductivity of a nanocomposite on the volume fraction of components are proposed. Oxygen-free refractory compounds - covalent and metal-like active investigated in the development of new ceramic materials used for achieving higher physical and mechanical characteristics as well as for use in extreme conditions in mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, aviation, special equipment. The development of technology is constantly stimulates the creation of new materials, which must manifest a complex of properties rarely show by one substance, such decisions cannot find the formation of composite (hetero) materials. In the case of eutectic systems with diffusive non-interacting refractory components, used for the synthesis of composite ceramic materials in a highly thermodynamic state, the possibility of co-building a new group of ceramics with interphase boundary (of eutectics “coarse conglomerate”) with anomalous concentration dependences of the physical and mechanical characteristics of composite materials (flexural strength and modulus of elasticity, super plasticity – elongation more than 500%, tensile, strength and fracture toughness) and thermal properties (thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity) [1-3].

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