
Abstract Nine insecticides were evaluated for control of SMC grubs using artificial infestations at the University of Nebraska Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead, Nebr. Topography in the plot area was level. The predominant grass species was Kentucky bluegrass (99%) which was maintained at a mowing height of 2 inches. Thatch accumulation was 0.25- 0.50 inches. On 9 Aug, turf-soil cores (8 inches in diam by 4 inches deep) were removed from plots and potted into corresponding 8 inch deep PVC containers that had been filled to within 4 inches of the top with soil. Bottoms were covered with aluminum window screen. Containers were placed into the soil with top rims at ground level. The plot area was then irrigated to reestablish plant growth. Second and third instar SMC grubs were collected from a nearby untreated turf area on 21 Aug, and 10 grubs were introduced into each of 2 containers in each plot. Grubs which had not burrowed into the turf-soil core after 10 min were replaced. Insecticide treatments were applied on 23 Aug. Field conditions at the time of application were as follows: air temperature, 87°F; soil temperature (4-inch depth), 80°F; soil type, silty clay loam; soil organic matter, 3-5%; soil pH, 6.2-6.6; water pH, 6.7; soil moisture was near field capacity. Granular formulations were applied over containers with a precalibrated Gandy 30H12 spreader. Liquid formulations were applied with a CO2 sprayer using a LF-4 nozzle at 24 psi and 5 gal/1000 ft2 spray volume. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with 4 replications. The test area was irrigated with approximately 0.5 inches of water immediately following insecticide applications. An additional 2.5 inches of irrigated water was applied and 0.28 inches of rain fell during the posttreatment period. Product efficacy was evaluated 14 DAT (6 Sep) by removing and breaking apart the contents of each container to obtain a grub survival count. Grub counts from the two containers in each plot were analyzed as subsamples.

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