
PrefaceThe Annual International Session of Scientific Papers - IMT Oradea 2019 is an International Conference which held in Felix Spa, near Oradea, in the North-Western part of Romania. We are delighted, proud and honored to be your hosts every year at the scientific events of the Faculty of Managerial and Technological Engineering at the University of Oradea. The high value of the works presented at each of the Annual Session of the Scientific Works makes us the Editorial Board, The Scientific Committee and The Organizing Committee, trust that we have carried out intensive work dedicated to the progress and dissemination of scientific, multidisciplinary engineering information. We have proposed that the rate of acceptance of papers should always be a reflection of the scientific review process, the more demanding, the higher the scientific level, and the lower the rate of acceptance of the works, respectively. The high degree of exigency in the review process has been instrumental in accepting publication by IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE). In this regard, the papers presented at The Annual Session of Scientific Papers, IMT Oradea, have been indexed SCOPUS and since this year they will be indexed in Web Of Sciences (Clarivate Analytics, ISI). The road was not easy, nor straight, due to the many difficulties encountered, but the results are obviously positive. Our objectives, courageous and motivating, at the same time, were based on ethical criteria unequivocally. We have succeeded in promoting this scientific event to such an extent that it has been accepted as full membership in the respected and recognized of global profile organization, we named here The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In the meantime, we did not give up on the proposed objective, namely that the papers presented at the IMT Oradea Conference should be free of any deviations from scientific ethics, thus discouraging plagiarism. We verify the degree of “overlap” of the texts of the works, with a maximum error of 5% being allowed, which are accepted at the level of writing References titles. All the papers presented at the IMT Oradea Conference are identified by the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) as we are full members of CROSSREF, which allows us to have access to any search engine as it enables robots and crawlers to recognize Crossref DOIs as URLs. There, it is significant for the scientific world because the DOI structure is built on the URL link system, but DOI survives even after the URL link of the paperwork has disappeared. We are very confident that we have always received full credit from you, the participants in this elegant event, and we recognize that you have always had a positive influence on the quality of our work, but especially on the outcome of this work: IMT Oradea.Editorial BoardList of the conference’s committees are available in this pdf.

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