
Women from the beginning of humanity have traveled a path full of obstacles, to transcend their pre-established role and gender stereotype and they continue to do so today through small and large demonstrations such as: marches, manifestos, education, etc. The problematization of this work stems from the last report of 2015-2016 on the matrix of indicators of progress in the implementation of the Inter-American Convention to prevent, punish and eradicate violence against women "Convention of Belém do Pará", which indicates that the 33.7% of the admitted cases were acquitted and 18.48% of the cases were archived, where there was withdrawal (in case of contravention) or dismissal was declared, due to atypicality and non-existence of elements in crimes of violence. The methodology used is: the logical historical method, the documentary analysis and the legal exegesis of national norms. The objective is: to identify and analyze the causes for which women victims of violence do not conclude with the judicial process in Ecuador, through the bibliography and national and international regulations, to understand the psychological and emotional effects or consequences that these produce in the person.

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