
This paper presents the results of the research that analyzed the perception of the educational benefit of users of the Learning Management System (LMS) Blackboard that is used at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (UAEH), taking as a central axis the question: What is the benefit of the learning management system as a technological tool in the educational process of UAEH? For this, the analysis was performed based on the models: TPACK by Mishra & Koehler (2006), SAMR model developed by Puentedura (2006) and TAM3 developed by Venkatesh & Bala (2008). Methodologically it is a multiple case study, where several cases are used simultaneously to explore and describe a reality. Three teachers of the Campus Tlahuelilpan of the UAEH participated in the semi-structured interview, which constituted the technique for obtaining data. The results indicate the need for an adequate training, not only in the technological, but also in the pedagogical and curricular; adequate infrastructure and changes in institutional policies, among others. This responds to the theoretical models mentioned above. It is suggested that Higher Education Institutions take into account this results when implementing a Learning Management System as a support in the educational process.

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