
The article examines the features of modern digital-methods used in foreign language teaching in higher education institutions of foreign countries with the possibility of implementing such methods in foreign language teaching of students in domestic higher education institutions. Research allows us to note that in the process of learning a foreign language in higher education institutions in today's conditions modern digital methods are being used, which facilitates the process of teaching educational material to students. Modern digital methods of teaching foreign languages to students are reaching a significantly new level, as it is influenced by the digitalization of educational services, which shows that student learning cannot be effective without the use of interactive tools in the educational process. It is worth noting that, despite the fact that higher education institutions are actively implementing digital methods in the process of learning foreign languages, traditional teaching methods should not be abandoned and also actively used. Practice shows that an important role in the organization of educational and cognitive activities of students in learning a foreign language is played by interactive technology "Learning Management System", which offers students to use such free platforms as ClassDojo and Edmodo. In the educational process, the Google Classroom platform is also used, which allows students to receive learning materials by downloading them from a local or cloud drive. On the basis of the Municipal Establishment “Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy” of Kharkiv Regional Council, Uzhhorod National University and Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University, foreign language teaching is conducted using modern information and communication and interactive technologies, namely teachers use such online platforms like Zoom and Google-classroom, digital tools Skype and Viber. According to the changes in the characteristics of foreign language teaching demonstrated by foreign higher education institutions, Ukrainian higher education institutions should also learn from their experience, constantly researching how modern digital methods of foreign language teaching are changing under the influence of digitalization of education.

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