
O setor de beneficiamento de rochas ornamentais vive um crescimento bastante significativo no contexto mundial. Através deste estudo propõe-se apresentar uma análise qualitativa relativa aos impactos sobre os meios físicos e antrópicos gerados nos processos produtivos das empresas de beneficiamento de pedras ornamentais no município de Manaus. Contudo há uma grande problemáticano processo de corte, polimento e acabamento das matérias primas como o mármore e o granito, pois geram grandes quantidades de resíduos tais como a poeira e a lama, formados neste beneficiamento e descartados de maneira inadequada resultam em impactos ambientais significativos, uma vez que eles contribuem para a acumulação e dispersão prejudiciais no ar, água e solo de partículas sólidas. Os dados obtidos servem como alerta ao poder público e aos geradores para atentarem quanto ao cumprimento da legislação que versa sobre a destinação final sanitariamente adequada dos resíduos sólidos, além de expor a necessidade de políticas educacionais e ambientais nesses processos de trabalho.The ornamental stone processing industry is experiencing significant growth in the global context. Through this study aims to present a qualitative analysis of the impacts on the physical and anthropogenic resources generated in the production processes of ornamental stone processing companies in the city of Manaus. However there is a big problem in the process of cutting, polishing and finishing of raw materials such as marble and granite, because they generate large amounts of waste such as dust and mud, formed in the processing and discarded inappropriately result in significant environmental impacts since they contribute to the accumulation and damaging dispersal in air, water and soil solids. The data serve as a warning to the government and the generators to heed as to comply with the legislation that deals with the disposal of solid waste sanitary appropriate, in addition to exposing the need for educational and environmental policies in these processes work.The processing sector ornamental stone is experiencing a significant growth in the global context. Through this study aims to present a qualitative analysis of the impacts on the physical and anthropogenic resources generated in the production processes of ornamental stone processing companies in the city of Manaus. However there is a big problem in the process of cutting, polishing and finishing of raw materials such as marble and granite, because they generate large amounts of waste such as dust and mud, formed in the processing and discarded inappropriately result in significant environmental impacts since they contribute to the accumulation and damaging dispersal in air, water and soil solids. The data serve as a warning to the government and the generators to heed as to comply with the legislation that deals with the disposal of solid waste sanitary appropriate, in addition to exposing the need for educational and environmental policies in these work processes.

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