
An efficient theoretical formalism and advanced experimental methods are presented for studying the effects of anisotropic molecular motion and relaxation on solid-state central transition NMR spectra of half-integer quadrupole nuclei. The theoretical formalism is based on density operator algebra and involves the stochastic Liouville–von Neumann equation. In this approach the nuclear spin interactions are represented by the Hamiltonian while the motion is described by a discrete stochastic operator. The nuclear spin interactions fluctuate randomly in the presence of molecular motion. These fluctuations may stimulate the relaxation of the system and are represented by a discrete relaxation operator. This is derived from second-order perturbation theory and involves the spectral densities of the system. Although the relaxation operator is valid only for small time intervals it may be used recursively to obtain the density operator at any time. The spectral densities are allowed to be explicitly time dependent making the approach valid for all motional regimes. The formalism has been applied to simulate partially relaxed central transition 17 O NMR spectra of representative model systems. The results have revealed that partially relaxed central transition lineshapes are defined not only by the nuclear spin interactions but also by anisotropic motion and relaxation. This has formed the basis for the development of central transition spin-echo and inversion-recovery NMR experiments for investigating molecular motion in solids. As an example we have acquired central transition spin-echo and inversion-recovery 17 O NMR spectra of polycrystalline cristobalite (SiO 2) at temperatures both below and above the α–β phase transition. It is found that the oxygen atoms exhibit slow motion in α-cristobalite. This motion has no significant effects on the fully relaxed lineshapes but may be monitored by studying the partially relaxed spectra. The α–β phase transition is characterized by structural and motional changes involving a slight increase in the Si–O–Si bond angle and a substantial increase in the mobility of the oxygen atoms. The increase in the Si–O–Si angle is supported by the results of 17 O and 29 Si NMR spectroscopy. The oxygen motion is shown to be orders of magnitude faster in β-cristobalite resulting in much faster relaxation and characteristic lineshapes. The measured oscillation frequencies are consistent with the rigid unit mode model. This shows that solid-state NMR and lattice dynamics simulations agree and may be used in combination to provide more detailed models of solid materials.

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