Let X be a smooth projective real algebraic curve of genus g greater than 1. The canonical divisor on X defines a morphism k : X→Pg−1 from X into real projective space Pg−1. The image k(X) of k is isomorphic either to X , or to the real projective line P1, or to the “empty circle” S1, understood as the smooth projective rational curve given by the affine equation x2 + y2 = −1. The real curve X is said to be anisotropic if k(X) is isomorphic to the empty circle. Let X be an anisotropic curve. The following facts are known [Gross and Harris 1981, Proposition 6.2]: the genus g of X is odd, its real locus X (R) is empty, and X may be represented, in affine 3-space, by a pair of equations of the form x2+ y2 = −1 and w2= p(x, y), where p is a real polynomial of degree g+1. The canonical morphism k can then be identified with the projection X 3 (w, x, y) 7→ (x, y). The main problem in studying anisotropic curves is the absence of real points both in X and in k(X). To circumvent this, we proceed as follows. Let X be defined by equations as above. We can consider the double covering of the plane, ramified along the g+ 1 real lines joining the g+ 1 pairs of complex conjugated branch points of k in S1. This is a real surface D having real points, and turns out to be tantamount to and easier to study than the original curve X . Our results concern the moduli spaces of anisotropic curves. More precisely, we prove that there is an isomorphism between the moduli space of anisotropic curves and the moduli space of double coverings of P2 ramified along real line arrangements (see Theorem 7.1). As a corollary, we improve Proposition 6.2 of [Gross and Harris 1981], by showing, among other things, that any anisotropic
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