
The magnetic susceptibility of PrF3 was measured in an external magnetic field of 0.01 T directed across and along the crystallographicc-axisat temperatures in the range 2–300 K. The maximum values of the measured susceptibilities (less than1.2 × 10−4 emu g−1) are consistent with the expected pattern of non-degenerate energy levels of the electronic4f2 configuration in the low-symmetry crystal field. The longitudinal susceptibility decreasesmonotonically with the temperature increase while the transversal susceptibility has abroad maximum at 60 K. A crystal field analysis based on the magnetic susceptibility dataand calculations in the framework of the exchange charge model was carried out. The set ofcrystal field parameters related to the crystallographic system of coordinates has beenobtained and used to reproduce successfully the temperature dependences of thelongitudinal and transversal components of the susceptibility tensor and the crystalfield energies, as well as the parameters of the effective spin Hamiltonian of the141Pr nuclei.

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