
Abstract At the Hamburg Isochronous Cyclotron angular correlation experiments were carried out in the reactions 2 H(α, nα)p and 2 H(α, pα)n, in order to determine the tensor polarization of the ground-state resonances 5 Li ( 3 2 − ) and 5 He ( 3 2 − ) , respectively. We find that the observables for the two mirror reactions 2 H (α, n ) 5 Li and 2 H (α, p ) 5 He are charge-dependent. This result is interpreted as evidence for a violation of charge symmetry. In the whole phase-space region absolute break-up cross sections are generally well reproduced by the Faddeev theory. On the other hand, we find that the resonating group method which has up to now been mainly applied to two-body reactions can also provide valuable information for break-up reactions. The predictions of Hackenbroich, Schutte and coworkers are in quite good agreement with the measured tensor polarization of 5 He and 5 Li and the corresponding angular correlation functions.

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