
The growing relevance of recreational fisheries has increased the need for acceptable, workable and sustainable policies. Identifying the regulatory preferences and perceptions of anglers can assist in determining fishers' behaviors and improving the management of coastal fisheries. In this case study of Mallorca Island, Spain, we investigated anglers' perceptions using data obtained from questionnaires. The anglers' responses were somewhat contradictory. They reported pleasure as a main motivation, although fish consumption was also deemed very important. Anglers reported a positive attitude toward licensing, managers, and management rules. They appreciated fishing access restrictions (e.g., closed seasons and marine protected areas MPAs), but they did not consider these restrictions to be effective. The management option that was least favored but considered to be the most effective was that of catch-and-release, which sets minimum size restrictions and requires the release of 20% of captures. A hook size restriction was considered an effective and positive measure, although most anglers admitted that they did not know the hook size they used. If one control measure was to be eliminated, the anglers' preferences were split between removing bag limits and ending the catch and release policy for some sizes and species. Anglers' understanding of management measures was limited and based primarily on person-to-person communication. Communication with managers was functionally unidirectional and primarily consisted of an instruction booklet issued with each fishing license. The use of electronic communication tools (i.e., web pages) was very low. The quality of communication between fisheries agencies and the fishing public may challenge management credibility and affect compliance with regulations.

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