Angler trip success and catch rates are dependent upon a fishes’ vulnerability to angling. Angling vulnerability can be influenced by angler-specific attributes (i.e., bait choice, lure size, use of a guide), and individual fish traits (i.e., boldness, aggression, stress responsiveness, and memory retention). The mechanisms that function in a fishes’ angling vulnerability, and contribute to catch rate, are likely correlated with environmental factors however, the influence of environmental factors on angling vulnerability are not well understood. We used the long-term (1946 –present) compulsory creel dataset from Escanaba Lake, WI, USA to test for interactions between angling vulnerability (i.e., angler trip success and catch rates) and environmental factors to better understand these dynamics in recreational fisheries. Our objective was to test for the influence of angler associated variables and environmental factors on open water angler trip success (i.e., catch ≥ one fish) and catch rate of walleye Sander vitreus and muskellunge Esox masquinongy during 2003–2015 using a hurdle model approach. Fishing trip success and catch rates for both species were most strongly influenced by angler-related variables (i.e., guide status, bait type, the proportion of the fish population previously caught). Environmental factors associated with lower light intensity (i.e., diel period, mean daily solar radiation, solar-Julian day interaction) had a positive influence on walleye vulnerability. Lower air temperatures and lunar position (moon overhead or underfoot) and phase (gibbous’ and full moon) also had a positive effect on walleye angling. Muskellunge trip success and catch rate were positively influenced by light metrics (i.e., diel period and mean daily solar radiation) and increased with air temperature. Lunar variables (position and phase), as well as wind speed and direction also influenced muskellunge angling vulnerability. A better understanding of the influence of environmental factors on angling vulnerability is an important component of fisheries management as management goals focus on balancing fish populations and creating satisfactory catch rates to enhance the angling experience. Our results suggest that angler-specific variables, light, temperature, lunar, and weather conditions influenced species-specific angling vulnerability for walleye and muskellunge.
Recreational fisheries are embedded within complex social-ecological systems [1,2]
A better understanding of the influence of environmental factors on angling vulnerability is an important component of fisheries management [5,6,7] as management goals focus on balancing fish populations, creating satisfactory catch rates to enhance the angling experience, and providing opportunities to catch trophy-sized fish [8,9]
Our results demonstrated that angler choice metrics, the proportion of the population that has previously been angled, lunar metrics, light metrics, air temperature and wind metrics can contribute to successful walleye and muskellunge angling trips and higher walleye catch rates in Escanaba Lake
Recreational fisheries are embedded within complex social-ecological systems [1,2]. Simultaneously, fisheries are dependent on anglers and the angling sector to support conservation and management [3,4]. A better understanding of the influence of environmental factors on angling vulnerability is an important component of fisheries management [5,6,7] as management goals focus on balancing fish populations, creating satisfactory catch rates to enhance the angling experience, and providing opportunities to catch trophy-sized fish [8,9]. Angler trip success and catch rates are dependent upon a fishes’ vulnerability to angling gear [10] and often decline with increased fishing effort [11,12]. Fish angling vulnerability is described as a function of mechanisms that are influenced by the internal state of the fish, bait encounter probability, and selectivity of angling gear [10,13]. Boldness and aggression [20,21], stress responsiveness [22], and memory retention [10,23,24,25] are individual traits that influence fish angling vulnerability
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