
 Dams have many benefits such as irrigation, flood prevention, power generation and even tourism, especially in areas where the dam is located. So that the benefits received can last a long time, in the planning, it must be analyzed for stability, seepage discharge that occurs and the safety of the piping. The piping hazard safety figures in this study were calculated using the Harza method for maximum water level conditions, normal water levels, fast receding and empty dams at sta 0 + 150, sta 0 + 200, sta 0 + 250 and sta 0 + 300. Based on the calculation results, it is found that the safety of piping hazards without filters with the grouting method do not meet the requirements safety factor, especially in conditions of maximum water level, normal water level and fast receding. In order for the safety of piping hazard in order to meet the requirements, a filter is applied under the dams. The filter is applied so that the piping hazard safety figure meets the requirements of all water level conditions and all station is 80 cm deep.
 Keywords: safety factor, piping, Harza method, filter
 Bendungan memiliki banyak manfaat seperti irigasi, pencegah banjir, pembangkit listrik bahkan pariwisata khususnya pada wilayah dimana bendungan tersebut berada. Agar manfaat yang diterima dapat berlangsung lama maka dalam perencanaannya wajib dianalisis terhadap stabilitas, debit rembesan yang terjadi maupun keamanan dari piping. Angka keamanan bahaya piping pada penelitian ini dihitung dengan menggunakan metode Harza untuk kondisi muka air maksimum, muka air normal, surut cepat dan bendungan kosong di sta 0+150, sta 0+200, sta 0+250 serta sta 0+300. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan didapatkan bahwa angka keamanan bahaya piping tanpa penggunaan filter dengan metode grouting tidak memenuhi persyaratan angka keamanan khususnya pada kondisi muka air maksimum, muka air normal dan surut cepat. Agar angka keamanan bahaya piping memenuhi persyaratan maka diaplikasikan filter dibawah tubuh bendungan. Filter yang diaplikasikan agar angka keamanan bahaya piping memenuhi persyaratan diseluruh kondisi muka air dan seluruh sta adalah dengan kedalaman 80 cm.
 Kata kunci: angka keamanan, piping, metode Harza, filter
 Dams have many benefits such as irrigation, flood prevention, power generation and even tourism, especially in areas where the dam is located. So that the benefits received can last a long time, in the planning, it must be analyzed for stability, seepage discharge that occurs and the safety of the piping. The piping hazard safety figures in this study were calculated using the Harza method for maximum water level conditions, normal water levels, fast receding and empty dams at sta 0 + 150, sta 0 + 200, sta 0 + 250 and sta 0 + 300. Based on the calculation results, it is found that the safety of piping hazards without filters with the grouting method do not meet the requirements safety factor, especially in conditions of maximum water level, normal water level and fast receding. In order for the safety of piping hazard in order to meet the requirements, a filter is applied under the dams. The filter is applied so that the piping hazard safety figure meets the requirements of all water level conditions and all station is 80 cm deep.
 Keywords: safety factor, piping, Harza method, filter
 Bendungan memiliki banyak manfaat seperti irigasi, pencegah banjir, pembangkit listrik bahkan pariwisata khususnya pada wilayah dimana bendungan tersebut berada. Agar manfaat yang diterima dapat berlangsung lama maka dalam perencanaannya wajib dianalisis terhadap stabilitas, debit rembesan yang terjadi maupun keamanan dari piping. Angka keamanan bahaya piping pada penelitian ini dihitung dengan menggunakan metode Harza untuk kondisi muka air maksimum, muka air normal, surut cepat dan bendungan kosong di sta 0+150, sta 0+200, sta 0+250 serta sta 0+300. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan didapatkan bahwa angka keamanan bahaya piping tanpa penggunaan filter dengan metode grouting tidak memenuhi persyaratan angka keamanan khususnya pada kondisi muka air maksimum, muka air normal dan surut cepat. Agar angka keamanan bahaya piping memenuhi persyaratan maka diaplikasikan filter dibawah tubuh bendungan. Filter yang diaplikasikan agar angka keamanan bahaya piping memenuhi persyaratan diseluruh kondisi muka air dan seluruh sta adalah dengan kedalaman 80 cm.
 Kata kunci: angka keamanan, piping, metode Harza, filter

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