
Remaja putri memilik risiko tinggi mengalami anemia karena defisiensi zat besi. Hal ini karena remaja putri mengalami menstruasi setiap bulannya dan sedang dalam masa pertumbuhan Hambatan penurunan kejadian anemia pada remaja putri antara lain: kurangnya pemahaman keluarga terhadap pencegahan anemia dan status gizi remaja putri, kurang terpaparnya keluarga terhadap risiko atau dampak anemia, oleh karena itu perlu adanya pemberdayaan keluarga untuk :1) Deteksi dini kejadian anemia 2) Edukasi pemenuhan gizi remaja dengan pemanfaatan pangan lokal. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan kemandirian keluarga sebagai upaya mewujudkan remaja putri bebas anemia di Desa Sawir Kecamatan Tambakboyo Kabupaten Tuban. Kegiatan dilaksanakan dalam 3 tahap yaitu: tahap 1 tgl 4 Juni 2023 dilakukan skreening anemia pada 50 remaja putri di polindes, tahap 2 tanggal 21 Juni 2023 penyuluhan dan demonstrasi pembuatan menu, tahap 3 tanggal 4-5 Juli 2023 pendampingan pembuatan menu berbahan pangan lokal pada keluarga. Dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat didapatkan hasil skreening masih ditemukan sebagian kecil (10 persen) remaja putri mengalami anemia, kenaikan nilai rata-rata pengetahuan anemia dan dampaknya sebesar 4 Persen dari post-test dibandingkan pre-test ,dan dihasilkan 27 kreasi menu makanan berbahan pangan lokal yang bergizi seimbang bagi remaja. Perlu adanya kegiatan lanjutan yang berupa pendampingan pada keluarga yang memiliki remaja putri agar keluarga dapat melakukan deteksi dini anemia dan pencegahannya serta kerjasama pihak kecamatan, dan puskesmas agar kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini tepat sasaran dan berhasil guna sebagai upaya turut serta mensukseskan program pemerintah dalam mewujudkan ‘Remaja Putri Sehat Bebas Anemia’ Adolescent girls have a high risk of anemia due to iron deficiency. This is because adolescent girls menstruate every month and are in their growth Obstacles to reducing the incidence of anemia in adolescent girls include: lack of family understanding of anemia prevention and nutritional status of adolescent girls, lack of family exposure to the risk or impact of anemia, therefore it is necessary to empower families to: 1) Early detection of anemia 2) Education on the fulfillment of adolescent nutrition with the use of local food. Community service activities aim to foster family independence as an effort to realize anemia-free adolescent girls in Sawir Village, Tambakboyo District, Tuban Regency. The activity was carried out in 3 stages, namely: phase 1 on June 4, 2023, anemia screening was carried out on 50 adolescent girls in Polindes, phase 2 on June 21, 2023, counseling and demonstration of menu making, phase 3 on July 4-5, 2023, assistance in making menus made from local food for families. From community service activities, it was found that a small percentage (10 percent) of adolescent girls had anemia, an increase in the average value of anemia knowledge and its impact by 4 percent from the post-test compared to the pre-test, and produced 27 creations of food menus made from local foods that are nutritionally balanced for adolescents. There needs to be further activities in the form of assistance to families who have adolescent girls so that families can carry out early detection of anemia and its prevention as well as cooperation between the Subdistrict, and Puskesmas so that this community service activity is right on target and successful as an effort to participate in the success of government programs in realizing 'Healthy Young Women Free of Anemia'

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