
Andrew G. Rusanov (03.02.1874–9.10.1949) was born on 3 February 1874 in the city of Ostrogozhsk of the Voronezh province. Andrey Gavrilovich graduated from the 1st Voronezh classical gymnasium with a silver medal and the medical faculty of Moscow University (1989). In 1900 he passed the test for a senior doctor of medicine and in 1902 became a Zemstvo doctor and then head of hospitals in the Penza and Ekaterinoslav provinces. Andrey Gavrilovich Rusanov moved to Voronezh in January 1907 and took the position of senior doctor of the provincial Department and surgeon of the provincial hospital (1907-1919), organized and headed the Voronezh medical surgical society, created a paramedic and obstetric school. In 1912, Rusanov prepared and defended his doctoral thesis. In 1918, Rusanov Was elected head of the hospital surgical clinic of the Voronezh state medical Institute. During the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 he worked in the hospitals of Voronezh, Tambov and Ulyanovsk. In December 1943 he returned to Voronezh and again headed the Department of hospital surgery. In Voronezh, he was the first to do an appendectomy, the surgery to children about brain herniation, successfully produced orthopedic intervention, first in the USSR made a successful resection of the stomach about a perforated ulcer. One of the first to apply bestmoney method of treatment of wounds. A. G. Rusanov the author of over 70 scientific papers, 3 monographs, under his leadership were defended 3 doctor's and 19 candidate's theses. Rusanov was awarded the Order of the red banner of labor and medals. In 1946 he was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In 1949, Andrey Gavrilovich died. A. G. Rusanov named lane in Voronezh (1962). In the state archive of the Voronezh region there is a personal Fund of Rusanov (P-2980). Memorial plaques are devoted to it: on buildings of the 2nd and 3rd city hospitals of the city of Voronezh.

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