
Romanian Abstract: Trebuie spus, de la inceput ca, inițial, evreii nu s-au temut de comunism, din contra l-au vazut ca singura forța capabila sa opreasca fascismul. Pentru ei, venirea Armatei Roșii a fost un moment al eliberarii, punând capat deportarilor. Curând, a devenit ca și comunismul a fost un sistem impus cu forța armelor care a trimis la inchisoare elitele perioadei interbelice din țarile satelite ale Uniunii Sovietice. A devenit evident ca Stalin era un tiran care a facut numeroase victime. O parte a evreilor, mergând pe calea inițiata de Theodor Herzl la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea a dorit crearea statului lor propriu, Israel, unde au emigrat in numar considerabil când circumstanțele impuse de Uniunea Sovietica au permis acest lucru. English Abstract: It must be said, from the very beginning, that, initially the Jews did not feared from communism, on the contrary they perceived it as the single force capable to stop the fascism. For them, the coming of the Red Army was a moment of liberation, putting an end to deportations. Soon, it became obvious that also the communism was a system imposed with the force of arms which sent to prison the elites of the interwar world from the satellite countries of the Soviet Union. It became obvious that Stalin was a tyrant who made numerous victims. A part of the Jews, going on the path initiated by Theodor Herzl, at the end of XIX century, wished the creation of their own state, Israel, where they emigrated to a large extent when the conditions imposed by the Soviet Union allowed it.

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