
Relevance of the study is conditioned by the fact that study of archiving history at regional level is important for the very sectoral science of archive studies, as well as for institutional history of Russia. In this connection this article is aimed at study of experience of formation and evolution of archiving in Tatarstan in the end of XIX century – 30s of ХХ century, since basic principles of the Russian archiving organization were developed and originality of its development in the republic was revealed precisely in this time, and correlating its features with common features peculiar to the Russian archiving in general is a relevant task. The object of this article is analyzing the trends of archiving development at All-Russian regional scale based on the materials of the Kazan Province and Tatar Republic. The historical-comparative method allowing to compare regional experience to the All-Russian one on the basis of history sources, is the leading approach to research of this problem. Results evidencing the influence of public, economic, political and cultural processes which occurred in the Russian Empire in the late imperal period and the first decades of the Soviet government on the process of formation of the very archive establishments structures and on formation of office work and archiving culture, are presented in the article. Materials of the article represent value for studies of institutional history of the late imperal period and the first decades of the Soviet government in the Russian history.

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