
Interferon regulatory factor-8 (IRF8) is the lineage determining transcription factor for the type one classical dendritic cell (cDC1) subset, a terminal selector for plasmacytoid dendritic cellsand important for the function of monocytes. Studies of Irf8 gene regulation have identified several enhancers controlling its activity during development of progenitors in the bone marrowthat precisely regulate expression at distinct developmental stages. Each enhancer responds to distinct transcription factors that are expressed at each stage. IRF8 is first expressed in early progenitors that form the monocyte dendritic cell progenitor (MDP) in response to induction of the transcription factor CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein alpha (C/EBPα) acting at the Irf8 +56kb enhancer. IRF8 levels increase further as the MDP transits into the common dendritic cell progenitor (CDP) in response to E protein activity at the Irf8 +41kb enhancer. Upon Nfil3-induction in CDPs leading to specification of the cDC1 progenitor, abrupt induction of BATF3 forms the JUN/BATF3/IRF8 heterotrimer that activates the Irf8 +32kb enhancer that sustains Irf8 autoactivation throughout the cDC1 lifetime. Deletions of each of these enhancers has revealed their stage dependent activation. Surprisingly, studies of compound heterozygotes for each combination of enhancer deletions revealed that activation of each subsequent enhancer requires the successful activation of the previous enhancer in strictly cis-dependent mechanism. Successful progression of enhancer activation is finely tuned to alter the functional accessibility of subsequent enhancers to factors active in the next stage of development. The molecular basis for these phenomenon is still obscure but could have implications for genomic regulation in a broader developmental context.

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