
Aim: To study the anatomical variations of osteomeatal complex commonly associated with paranasal sinus disease using computed tomography.Methodology: A prospective longitudinal study was conducted in the ENT department of IMCHRC, Indore for a period of one year. All the adult patients with complaints suggestive of chronic rhinosinusitis for a period of more than 12 weeks, a total of 100 patients were involved in the study.Results: In our study we observed the association between sinusitis and the anatomical variations of the osteomeatal complex and it has been found pneumatized middle turbinate to have strong significant association(p<.05) with maxillary, frontal and anterior ethmoidal sinusitis. Deviated Nasal Septum was the most common finding, which was significantly associated with anterior ethmoid sinusitis. Haller cells showed association with anterior ethmoid involvement (69.2%). Bilaterally obliterated osteomeatal complex had significant association with involvement of posterior ethmoidal sinus. Amongst the patients with Paradoxical uncinate process, all (100%) showed involvement of sphenoid sinus.Conclusions: The importance of CT scan is emphasized in patients with persistent symptoms to identify the anatomical variations that may contribute to the development of chronic sinus mucosal disease.

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