
Aim: The National Medical Core Curriculum Program has been developed since 2001 to help keep the level of education in medical schools above high standards. The education in basic medical sciences should be adapted to the latest version of the national undergraduate medical education core curriculum, published in 2020. This study, which was planned on the basis of the need for adaptation of the curriculum in basic medical sciences to the national core education program in the field of medical education, was carried out with the decision of the Board of the Turkish Society of Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy with the aim of adaptation the anatomy course contents applied in medical faculties to the National Core Curriculum for Undergraduate Medical Education - 2014.Methods: The planning of the study was based on the "systematic anatomy education approach", which is commonly used in anatomy education. The prepared report was named as Anatomi-ÇEP 1st version, and a work plan was made to keep the new versions up-to-date through this report. Workshops were held with the participation of the faculty members of the anatomy department in the creation of the adaptation lists. Consensus questionnaires participated by faculty members who teach anatomy were used in the acceptance of the adaptation lists.Results: Two workshops were held in the process. In these workshops, the relationships between anatomy subjects and "Core Diseases and Clinical Problems" in "Undergraduate Medical Education National Core Education Program- 2014" were determined. Since the "Core Diseases and Clinical Problems" list was in alphabetical order, the lists were re-created in a systematic order according to the anatomy course contents. The lists were presented to the opinions of faculty members working in the Anatomy Departments twice and a consensus decision was made. In "Anatomy-ÇEP 1st Edition", basic diseases in "UÇEP2014" have been adapted to the basic topics in anatomy education, but they have not been associated with symptoms and conditions and basic medical practices. Conclusions: With this article, it was aimed to share what was done in "Anatomy-ÇEP 1st Edition" with academicians, and to provide data for studies to be carried out to adapt the changes brought by "UÇEP-2020" to "Anatomy-ÇEP" with the feedback to be received.

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