
This article analyzes the linguistic portrait of a repressed woman. To provide a detailed description, the image of the main female character in the novel under study is compared with the totally opposite image of her mother-in-law; at the same time, these images are closely intertwined. The heroine’s vocabulary, the sentence structure in speech, the punctuation marks, the ratio of internal and external speech (the internal monologues help to describe the main character Zuleikha most accurately) and the dynamics of these characteristics, as the storyline develops, are the most important elements of creating her linguistic portrait. We note the significance and importance of studying the linguistic picture of the world of our authors (in this case, the study is based on the novel by the modern author Guzel Yakhina) within the integrative paradigm of linguistics and the general need to study the language of G. Yakhina’s text with the aim of introducing inophone students to the Russian language and literature. This analysis allows students of the Russian language not only to improve their communication skills, but also introduces them to the key moments of our history, the culture of Russia and the region of residence (in this case, Tatarstan) – since the culture of speech is not only the ability to speak eloquently and correctly, but also the knowledge of the people’s specific features.

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