
This study employs a descriptive research approach to investigate graduate students' perceptions of basic statistics in educational research at Baguio Central University. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire, ensuring reliability and validity through input from primary sources. Data was gathered from 86 students enrolled in statistics and research courses during the first semester of School Year 2023-2024, with rigorous measures taken throughout the process. Analysis was performed using a four-point arbitrary scale, providing comprehensive insights into students' perceptions of basic statistics. The findings indicate that basic statistics play a crucial role across various stages of educational research, with respondents acknowledging their importance from problem selection to result reporting. Overall, the study reaffirms the indispensable nature of basic statistics in educational research, emphasizing their pervasive applicability and essential contributions to scholarly inquiry. In light of these conclusions, recommendations are proposed to enhance the utilization of basic statistics in educational research. These include prioritizing statistical training in academic programs, promoting research methodology courses, facilitating continued professional development for educators and researchers, encouraging collaborative research projects, and promoting access to open-access resources. Implementing these recommendations has the potential to elevate the quality and impact of scholarly inquiry in the field of education.

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