
There are different types of analyze about the Amazons acquisition of Whole Foods Market. This report gives an introduction of the two companies, Amzon is one of the bigeest E-commerce platforms in USA, and Whole Foods Market is a supermarket focused on the Natural organic food. Then this report analyzed the reason of the acquisition: Amazon would like to enter into the physical retailing and Whole Foods Market faced the financial problems . After that, this report analyzed the influences of the acquisition to Amazon using the SWOT model and PESTEL model in order to give a comprehensive picture of this picture. Considering that the acquisition happpend in 2017, and it might be uncomprehensive to give analyze or comment for it at earlier time, and it is more persuasive to give an analyze after 6 years. Based on the history data, this acquistiiton formed the win-win for the two companies, but there are still some recommends. For example, they should balance the online selling and the offline selling, solve the conflict between the high quality of the Whole Foods Market and the low cost of the Amazon, they should continue focus on how to be separated from the strong competitors.

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