The treatment of depressive disorders remains a relevant problem in medical practice. Depression is frequently treated by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), among which fluoxetine is one of the most popular drugs. In order to improve the pharmacotherapy of depression, combinations of SSRIs with other pharmaceutical groups, e.g. epiphyseal hormone melatonin, are practiced. The key aim in improving the quality of depression treatment remains the search and development of more powerful and fast-acting antidepressants. In this context, research attention has recently been focused on valdoxan, an agonist of melatonin MT 1 and MT 2 and serotonin 5-HT2c receptors. Quantitative pharmaco-EEG is the most efficient method for evaluating the efficacy of the pharmacotherapy of mental pathologies. In this study, EEG rhythms of rats with experimental depression were analyzed following the administration of the aforementioned drugs. It was found that valdoxan, compared to fluoxetine and its combination with melaxen, contributes to the fastest normalization of the brain’s bioelectric activity in animals. In particular, this drug contributes to a significant increase in the activity of the EEG theta rhythm, which dominates in animals in the norm.
Лечение депрессивных расстройств по сей день остается актуальной проблемой в медицинской практике
Depression is frequently treated by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), among which fluoxetine is one of the most popular drugs
In order to improve the pharmacotherapy of depression, combinations of SSRIs with other pharmaceutical groups, e.g. epiphyseal hormone melatonin, are practiced
Лечение депрессивных расстройств по сей день остается актуальной проблемой в медицинской практике. В данном исследовании анализировали распределение ЭЭГ-ритмов на фоне экспериментальной депрессии у крыс и при введении вышеуказанных лекарственных средств. Установлено, что вальдоксан, в отличие от флуоксетина и его комбинации с мелаксеном, способствует наиболее быстрой нормализации биоэлектрической активности головного мозга у животных, а именно, способствует достоверному возрастанию активности тета-ритма ЭЭГ, который доминирует у животных в норме.
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