
It is determined that local budgets are the main financial institution in the financial system of local governments, occupying the central place in the economic system of each state. The objective of the paper is to analyze the structure of local budget revenues and determine the areas for its optimization. The paper provides the analytical evaluation of the local budget revenues structure. The results of the analysis of the local budget revenues structure showed the strengthening of the tax revenues role in the consolidated budget revenues of Ukraine. The role of inter-budget transfers in the formation of local budget revenues is determined. Indicators of the volume and dynamics of tax revenues in the structure of the revenue side of local budgets are considered. The general structure of tax revenues is analyzed. The share of basic taxes in the total amount of local budget revenues is determined. The general structure of tax revenues is analyzed. The share of basic taxes in the total amount of local budget revenues is determined. Special attention is paid to the system of local taxes and fees and its transformation in the context of financial decentralization reform. Disclosure of the of local budget revenues structure and the role of taxes in their formational make it possible to establish that budget revenues are tax, non-tax and other revenues that are carried out on the non-refundable basis and the solution provided by the legislation of Ukraine. It is established that the share of own revenues of local budgets is gradually increasing, at the same time, there is a significant dependence of local budgets on inter-budget transfers, which contradicts the principles of financial decentralization and does not ensure the effective development of the regions. Analysis of the local budget revenues structure shows the strengthening of the tax revenues role, which is the consequence of the decentralization reform. It is defined that the significant changes took place in 2015, and as a result the share of local taxes and fees in local budget revenues reached 22.4%. The largest specific share in the structure of local taxes and fees are the revenues from land fees and the single tax. At the same time, the largest source of pumping up the budgets is personal income tax (PIT). On the basis of the above mentioned it is proved the reform of the system of taxation by local taxes and fees should be aimed at strengthening the revenue share of local budgets and increase their financial independence.

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