
Introduction: The safety and quality of dairy products produced and in circulation on the territory of the EAEU is ensured by compliance with legislation on technical regulation, sanitary, hygienic and veterinary safety. One of the important sections of technical regulation is the rules for confirming product compliance with mandatory legal requirements.Purpose: The purpose of this review is analysis of the current legislative framework in the Russian Federation in the field of confirming compliance of milk and dairy products with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and systematization of the data obtained on the applicable forms assessing and confirming compliance of products in the Russian Federation. Materials and Methods: As materials for the analytical study were used regulatory legal acts (hereinafter - RLA) in the field of technical regulation, sanitary, hygienic and veterinary safety of food products and raw materials. The documents were obtained on the official legal portals of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. As a research method, the analysis of the current legislation with the subsequent systematization of expert opinions on the law enforcement practice of the regulated rules for products confirming conformity, generalization and analysis of the most common arbitration situations in the raw milk and finished dairy products turnover at the stage of their compliance with mandatory requirements confirming (assessment) were used. The appeals and documents of the technical regulation and standardization services of dairy industry enterprises on the subject research field were also analyzed.Results: Based on the regulated in RLA requirements for confirming (assessment) compliance of raw milk and dairy products, as well as based on the generalized results of a product manufacturers survey, have been established the conformity assessment schemes most often used by manufacturers. Taking into account the analysis and systematization of material on arbitration issues in confirming (assessment) compliance, recommendations are proposed for optimizing the process of confirming (assessment) compliance of raw milk and dairy products with the requirements of the legislation of the EAEU and the Russian Federation, including the feasibility of its updating.Conclusion: According to the results of the research have been identified a number of problems in the field of confirming (assessment) of milk and dairy products compliance with the requirements of the RLA, which producers and regulatory authorities bodies in their professional activities, and appropriate solutions to these problems have been proposed.

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