
Population growth in Indonesia is increasing every year, resulting in an increasing need for food. To support maximum agricultural yields every year, irrigation is needed as well as the availability and demand for water for irrigation. water discharge to irrigate the fields. DI Rintau has decreased along with a decrease in the function of the water catchment area due to the existence of several soil channels, which can increase the possibility of seepage or infiltration and increase water loss. The purpose of this research is to analyze the availability and balance of water in DI Rintau. The method used to calculate water availability is using the mock method. analysis of water availability in the Rintau Irrigation Area using the Mock method, obtained a maximum reliable discharge of 707,512 l/s, namely in the first half of December, the minimum reliable discharge is 114,200 l/s, namely in the first half of September and the mainstay discharge is an average of 402,619 l/sec. Water balance analysis in the Rintau Irrigation Area, water demand is not met or there is a water shortage (deficit) in the first half of August, which is 205,201 l/s.

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