
This study aims to analyze the role of law in protecting intellectual rights and their relationship to social welfare. This research belongs to the research that uses the juridical-normative method. The legal sources used in this study are secondary legal sources, which based on their legally binding power, consist of primary legal materials in the form of theories, norms, rules, and opinions of legal experts related to the intellectual property protection legal system associated with community welfare issues, and the role of strategy that the state can play besides the use of secondary and tertiary legal materials. Based on the study of legal sources, it can be seen that regarding the definition, recognition, and protection of intellectual property rights in Indonesia, it is regulated in the law and further regulated in Government Regulations. Intellectual property rights recognized and protected in Indonesia are Copyright and Industrial Property Rights, which consist of trademarks, patents, trade secrets, integrated circuit layout designs, and protection of plant varieties. This is very important to be maintained by the state, and the goal is to improve social welfare as mandated in the constitution.

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