
The academy education mode mainly emphasizes the realization of all-round education under the fixed objective environment. Under the support of this new concept, the construction mode and operation mode of college dormitories have been gradually implemented. The construction of community culture in colleges and universities is a new idea to identify the whole area within the scope of college dormitories as a community environment for college students to learn and grow, and improve the effectiveness of the construction of college dormitories by building a good environment based on the academy model. Under the support of the academy model, the key points to be grasped in the construction and innovation of college community culture include taking the red academy culture as an opportunity, strengthening the cultivation education of the academy, taking the red culture as the basis, improving the quality education level of the academy, taking the red education as the core, and strengthening the cultural education support of the academy. Colleges and universities need to learn from the advantages of the academy model, take the construction of community culture in colleges and universities as the background, and achieve the organic integration of the academy model with traditional student management, dormitory management and other related work.

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