
Regression testing is important activity during the maintenance phase. An important work during maintenance of the software is to find impact of change. One of the essential attributes of Software is change i.e. quality software is more vulnerable to change and provide facilitation and ease for developer to do required changes. Modification plays vital role in the software development so it is highly important to find the impact of that modification or to identify the change in the software. In software testing that issue gets more attention because after change we have to identify impact of change and have to keenly observe what has happened or what will happen after that particular change that we have made or going to make in software. After change software testing team has to modify its testing strategy and have to come across with new test cases to efficiently perform the testing activity during the software development Regression testing is performed when the software is already tested and now some change is made to it. Important thing is to adjust those tests which were generated in the previous testing processes of the software. This study will present an approach by analyzing VDM (Vienna Development Methods) to find impact of change which will describe that how we can find the change and can analyze the change in the software i.e. impact of change that has been made in software. This approach will fulfill the purpose of classifying the test cases from original test suite into three classes obsolete, re-testable, and reusable test cases. This technique will not only classify the original test cases but will also generate new test cases required for the purpose of regression testing.

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