
Cognitive tests that contain the ability to understand concepts, students experience low grades because textbooks or physics textbooks only contain various physical equations without being able to give examples visually so that students can understand the translation of a physical equation and can visualize an equation so that the equation is easy to understand and applied in everyday life. The emergence of these problems, this study aims to determine how the ability to understand the concept of simple harmonics through a virtual laboratory based on VBA Excel on students of the Physics education study program. This study uses a descriptive type using a quantitative approach. The population of this research is all physics education students class 2018-2021 located at FKIP Cenderawasih University. sampling using cluster random sampling as a whole one class so that the class of 2019 class was selected with a total of 24 people. The data generated using the student's concept understanding test. The results showed that the increase in understanding of concepts obtained post-test scores higher than the pre-test scores and the average increase in students' understanding of concepts was in the medium category


  • Cognitive tests that contain the ability to understand concepts, students experience low grades because textbooks or physics textbooks only contain various physical equations without being able to give examples visually so that students can understand the translation of a physical equation and can visualize an equation so that the equation is easy to understand and applied in everyday life

  • The emergence of these problems, this study aims to determine how the ability to understand the concept of simple harmonics through a virtual laboratory based on Visual Basic for Aplication (VBA) Excel on students of the Physics education study program

  • The results showed that the increase in understanding of concepts obtained post-test scores higher than the pre-test scores and the average increase in students' understanding of concepts was in the medium category

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Jurnal Pendidikan Fisika

Program Studi Pendidikan Fisika, Universitas Cenderawasih Jl. Kamp Wolker, Perumnas III, Yabansai, Heram, Jayapura City, Papua 99224, Indonesia. Disubmit: 29 Agustus 2021, Direvisi: 17 November 2021, Diterima: 13 Desember 2021. Tes kognitif yang mengandung kemampuan pemahaman konsep, mahasiswa mengalami nilai-nilai rendah yang dikarenakan buku ajar atau diktat fisika hanya berisi berbagai persamaan fisis tanpa bisa memberi contoh secara visual sehingga mahasiswa dapat memahami penjabaran suatu persamaan fisis dan dapat memvisulisasikan suatu persamaan sehingga persamaan tersebut mudah dimengerti dan diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Munculnya permasalahan tersebut maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kemampuan pemahaman konsep harmonik sederhana melalui virtual laboratory berbasis VBA Excel pada mahasiswa program studi pendidikan Fisika. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa pendidikan fisika angkatan 2018-2021 bertempat di FKIP Universitas Cenderawasih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan pemahaman konsep diperoleh nilai postes lebih tinggi dibanding nilai pretes dan rata-rata peningkatan pemahaman konsep mahasiswa berada pada kategori sedang

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Pembelajaran Menggunakan Spreadsheet Excel
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