
Symmetry protected nontrivial states in chiral topological materials hold immense potential for fundamental science and technological advances. Here, we report electrical transport, quantum oscillations, and electronic structure results of a single crystal of chiral quantum material PtAl. Based on the de Haas-van Alphen (dHvA) oscillations, we show that the smallest Fermi pocket $(\ensuremath{\alpha})$ possesses a nontrivial Berry phase $1.16\ensuremath{\pi}$. The band associated with this Fermi pocket carries a linear energy dispersion over a substantial energy window of $\ensuremath{\sim}700\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}\mathrm{meV}$ that is further consistent with the calculated optical conductivity. First principles calculations unfold that PtAl is a higher fold chiral fermion semimetal where structural chirality drives the chiral fermions to lie at the high symmetry $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$ and $R$ points of the cubic Brillouin zone. In the absence of spin orbit coupling, the band crossings at $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}$ and $\mathrm{R}$ points are three and fourfold degenerate with a chiral charge of $\ensuremath{-}2$ and $+2$, respectively. The inclusion of spin orbit coupling transforms these crossing points into four and sixfold degenerate points with a chiral charge of $\ensuremath{-}4$ and $+4$. Nontrivial surface states on the (001) surface connect the bulk projected chiral points through the long helical Fermi arcs that spread over the entire surface Brillouin zone.

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