
In this contribution we introduce a method of deep level spectroscopy in semi-insulating semiconductors demonstrated on detector-grade bulk CdZnTe. The method is based on the measurements of temporal and temperature evolution of the electric field profile in studied samples, which is very sensitive to a change of occupancy of deep levels. The measurement of the electric field is based on the linear electro-optic (Pockels) effect using the InGaAs avalanche photodiode with fast response. The internal electric field profile in studied samples significantly changes under various external conditions represented by the application of the bias and pulsed illumination with below-bandgap light. From the knowledge of the electric field behavior and using a standard analysis based on thermally induced transitions of electrons and holes from the deep levels to the conduction and valence bands, respectively, it is possible to get activation energies of the energy levels, their types (donor or acceptor) and corresponding capture cross-sections. By this method we have found deep levels responsible for the polarization of CdZnTe detector under high photon-fluxes. Identified deep levels eV, eV and eV can capture the photo-generated holes and thus form a positive space charge, which is responsible for polarization of the detector.

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