We model theoretically the voltage response to an acoustic pulse of a multilayer system forming a low noise capacitive sensor including a Polyvinylidene Fluoride piezoelectric film. First we model a generic piezoelectric detector consisting of a piezoelectric film between two metallic electrodes that are the responsible to convert the acoustic signal into a voltage signal. Then we calculate the pressure-to-voltage transfer function for a N-layer piezo-electric capacitor detector, allowing to study the effects of the electrode and protective layers thickness in typical layered piezoelectric sensors. The derived transfer function, when multiplied by the Fourier transform of the incident acoustic pulse, gives the voltage electric response in the frequency domain. An important concern regarding the transfer function is that it may have zeros at specific frequencies, and thus inverting the voltage Fourier transform of the pulse to recover the pressure signal in the time domain is not always, in principle, possible. Our formulas can be used to predict the existence and locations of such zeroes. We illustrate the use of the transfer function by predicting the electric signal generated at a multilayer piezoelectric sensor to an ultrasonic pulse generated photoacoustically by a laser pulse at a three media system with impedance mismatch. This theoretical calculations are compared with our own experimental measurements.
The generation of ultrasonic perturbations by photoacoustic (PA) phenomena is a broad and active field of research
The curves we present in the figure (3) shows the dependence of the pressure-to-voltage transfer function (PVTF), for different number of media
To simulate the voltage reading at an oscilloscope coupled to the sensor we need only to multiply the Fourier transform of the PA signal at the place where it impinges the detector, by the 3-layers (5-media) transfer function of the detector
Cite as: AIP Advances 7, 065106 (2017); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4985562 Submitted: 11 January 2017 • Accepted: 30 May 2017 • Published Online: 06 June 2017 E. Gutiérrrez-Reyes, C. García-Segundo, A. García-Valenzuela, et al. ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Transfer functions of piezoelectric transducers for underwater applications and their inverse problems The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 83, S20 (1988); https:// doi.org/10.1121/1.2025250 Design of matching layers for high-frequency ultrasonic transducers Applied Physics Letters 107, 123505 (2015); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4931703 Photoacoustic imaging in biomedicine Review of Scientific Instruments 77, 041101 (2006); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2195024 E. Gutierrrez-Reyes,[1] C. Garcıa-Segundo,[2] A. Garcıa-Valenzuela,[2] B. Reyes-Ramırez,[3] G. Gutierrez-Juarez,[3] and A. Guadarrama-Santana2 1CONACYT-Centro de Investigacion Cientıfica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada, Baja California, Unidad La Paz, Miraflores No 334 e/ Mulegey La Paz, C.P. 23050 La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico 2Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnologico, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, AP 70-168, 04510 Mexico DF, Mexico 3Universidad de Guanajuato Campus Leon, Division de Ciencias e Ingenierıas, Departamento de Ingenierıa Fısica, Loma del Bosque No 103, Col. Loma del Campestre, Leon Guanajuato, Mexico, C. P. 37150
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