
For the first time in Kyiv, Ukraine, the insect pest complex is studied of six open-ground woody plants of Araliaceae Juss. (Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. et Maxim.) Maxim., Eleutherococcus sessiliflorus (Rupr. and Maxim.) S. Y. Hu., Hedera helix L., Aralia cordata Thunb., Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem., Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koizd.). We monitored collections of the three botanical gardens in the city, and qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed the diversity of pests. Five insect species were found that damaged the vegetative and generative organs of plants over the vegetative season: Sciaphobus squalidus Gyll., Cteniopus flavus Scop., Aphis fabae Scop., Cetonia aurata L., Pulvinaria Targ. Four different trophic groups of insects damaged the aboveground plant parts, causing injuries to the assimilation apparatus, young shoots, buds, and generative organs, respectively. The phytophages and their impact on the plants varied depending on the species, aggressive behavior, and the plants’ reactions to injury.

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