
Family Araliaceae Juss. throughout the period of its existence has attracted the attention of researchers with a large number of interesting features that characterize it from different aspects. Among its representatives there are no species that have significant economic significance, but some are characterized by unique features. See Eleutherococcus sessiliflorus Rupr.et Maxim., Eleutherococcus senticosus (Rupr. & Maxim.), Aralia elata (Miq.) Seem., Heder a helix L., Maxim, and Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koidz. are valuable late honeysuckle. Honey from the collections of these plants has a special taste, aroma and medicinal properties, some of which are also used in cooking. The first written mention of its representatives (Rapah ginseng) as a medicinal plant dates back to the first century BC. in an ancient treatise written by Shen Nung - "Canon of the roots and herbs of Shen-nun." The hint of medicinal properties is hidden even in the generic names of some plants (Rapah, Acanthopanax, Kalopanax, Heteropanax, Oreopanax, Tetrapanax, Oplopanax, etc.), because the Latin "rapah" comes from the word "panacea" (Rapasea), ie medicine diseases ". Nowadays there is a decrease in the population of some members of the family, the causes of which are primarily anthropogenic factors which include deforestation and forest fires, harvesting of rare turf, uncontrolled collection of underground and terrestrial parts as valuable raw materials for drugs due to unique biochemical properties. also for culinary use. It is known about the influence of zoogenic factors on members of the family Araliaceae Juss. Thus, in 1959, when studying the vegetation of the reserve "Cedar Valley" it was noticed that spotted deer, during the growth of young antlers, dig up and eat the roots of E. sessiliflorus Rupr.et Maxim., And in reindeer parks plants of this species are absent, because were completely destroyed by these animals. Also, the number of populations in the direction of reduction is directly affected by the biological characteristics of these species. Irregular seed maturation and, as a consequence, reduced potential for seed reproduction in Kalopanax septemlobus (Thunb.) Koidz. and a weak ability to reproduce vegetatively in combination with the felling of these trees, often illegal, in order to harvest valuable timber, leading to a sharp decline in numbers.

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