
Title: Analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics of amateur young: main reasons to participate in sports entertainment. Abstract: This work presents a study on the socio-demographic fans pro- file with the aim to contrast between motivations were found in previous studies with the most relevant reasons to be a sports fan in Spanish popu- lation. For this purpose, an ad hoc questionnaire was developed and it was applied to 992 subjects in Murcia, (Spain). The results show an increasing the crowd at younger ages. The young Spanish amateur socio- demographic profile is under 25 years old, who participate in sports events for various reasons (e.g. for fun and entertainment to be with friends, to go to almost every game and be clutter). Differences between gender and age were found, especially in those amateur affiliated to a club sports. From the data collected in this work it could develop a predictive model of aggressive behaviour in sports, and to know if there is a risk profile in those younger fans that internalize negative values. Preventive measures involved on these groups from educational institutions could thus estab-

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