
Abstract On the one hand, the Civil Code, in its art. 1.748, IV, authorizes the sale of properties in cases where it is judicially authorized. On the other hand, art. 1.749, I, of this same legal provision, establishes the prohibition of the guardian to acquire for himself or by interposed person, by private contract, such property belonging to the minor. Among these, the problematic of this article: can the curator/tutor establish and acquire the Right over Roof Slab of his curated/tuteled? For its due satisfaction, the first topic concerns the contextualization and approach of the right over slab in the contemporary legal-legislative-social scenario, as well as its peculiarities and legal requirements for its characterization. Subsequently, the general rules of guardianship and custody are discussed with regard to the (im) possibility of sale of assets of the incapable subjects. In the end, it is possible for the guardian to establish and acquire the Right Over Roof Slab of the tuteled/curated before the characterization of the legal prohibitions imposed, since the property remains in the tuteled/curated property and such conduct does not seem to bring no patrimonial or existential damage to these subjects. However, some requirements are stipulated. The construction of the present reasoning is anchored in the dogmatic, hermeneutic-concretizing, deductive and integrated research methods. Keywords: Right Over Roof Slab; Civil Law; Trusteeship; Tutorship; Roof Slab. Resumo: De um lado, o Codigo Civil, em seu art. 1.748, IV, autoriza a venda de imoveis nos casos em que for autorizado judicialmente. De outro, o art. 1.749, I, deste mesmo dispositivo legal, estabelece a vedacao de o tutor adquirir para si, ou por interposta pessoa, mediante contrato particular, tais bens pertencentes ao menor. Entre estes, a problematica do presente artigo: pode o curador/tutor estabelecer e adquirir Direito de Laje de seu curatelado/tutelado? Para sua devida satisfacao, o primeiro topico se incumbe da contextualizacao e abordagem do direito de laje no contemporâneo cenario juridico-legislativo-social, bem como suas peculiaridades e exigencias legais para sua caracterizacao. Posteriormente, abordam-se as regras gerais da tutela e da curatela com relacao a (im)possibilidade de venda de bens dos sujeitos incapazes. Ao final, conclui-se pela possibilidade de o tutor/curador estabelecer e adquirir Direito de Laje do tutelado/curatelado ante a nao caracterizacao das vedacoes legais impostas, vez que o imovel ainda permanece em propriedade do tutelado/curatelado e tal conduta parece nao trazer nenhum dano patrimonial ou existencial a esses ultimos sujeitos. Contudo, estipula-se alguns requisitos. Ancora-se a construcao do presente raciocinio nos metodos dogmatico, hermeneutico-concretizador, dedutivo e de pesquisa integrada. Palavras-chave: Direito Real de Laje; Direito Civil; Curatela; Tutela; Laje.


  • The Brazilian right over roof slab, inspired by Spanish law, appears as a land regularization mechanism

  • The present article assumes that the right over roof slab is claimed by the guardian/conservator, in his own name, of his curated/tuteled property

  • It is possible for the guardian to establish and acquire the Right Over Roof Slab of the tuteled/curated before the characterization of the legal prohibitions imposed, since the property remains in the tuteled/curated property and such conduct does not seem to bring no patrimonial or existential damage to these subjects

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The Brazilian right over roof slab, inspired by Spanish law, appears as a land regularization mechanism. The present article assumes that the right over roof slab is claimed by the guardian/conservator, in his own name, of his curated/tuteled property. 1.749, I, of this same legal provision, establishes the prohibition of the guardian to acquire for himself or by interposed person, by private contract, such property belonging to the minor. The problematic of this article: can the curator/tutor establish and acquire the Right over Roof Slab of his curated/tuteled?. It is possible for the guardian to establish and acquire the Right Over Roof Slab of the tuteled/curated before the characterization of the legal prohibitions imposed, since the property remains in the tuteled/curated property and such conduct does not seem to bring no patrimonial or existential damage to these subjects. We anchored the construction of the present reasoning in the dogmatic, hermeneutic-concretizing, deductive and integrated research methods

Brief considerations of the Right Over Roof Slab
Full and perpetual right
The Right over roof slab and the real surface right
Differences Resolvable property
The Right over roof slab and the incapacities system
Final considerations
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