
The analysis of the story of Prophet Saleh in the Qur'an through a food science approach in relation to the miracles/clear proofs of she-camels, aims to study the nature of she-camels and the physical chemical composition of camel milk and the benefits and advantages of camel milk as a miracle/clear proofs to prove the truth of God's word. Based on scientific analysis, camels are the most superior animals, can be used as a means of transportation, meat can be consumed, skin, fur and milk can be used. The she-camel can meet the drinking needs of the Thamood. The she-camel can meet the drinking needs of the Thamud. It is also a miracle from God. Another proof is that camel milk has advantages over milk from other livestock, its nature is close to breast milk.Camel milk is the same as breast milk does not contain beta lactoglobulin which is an allergen compound, contains imonoglobulin and lactoferrin as antioxidant compounds so that it can reduce degenerative diseases (diabetes, cholesterol, high blood pressure and so on). The form of small fat globules will be easier to breed than other milk. Based on the description above, the superiority of camel milk proves that something that Allah has revealed is the best for human life. And also prove that the she-camel in the time of Prophet Saleh was Allah's chosen animal as a miracle given to the Prophet Saleh, and as proof that Prophet Saleh was the Messenger of Allah.

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