
This study aims to determine the study of the PJOK learning process for short-distance running material in fifth grade students of SD Negeri 010019 Sei Kepayang for the 2020/2021 Academic Year during the Covid-19 Pandemic Period. The implementation of the research was carried out through blended learning of short distance running material with the results of cognitive tasks. The material presented by the teacher was carried out through short face-to-face and whatsapp groups, namely providing an explanation in the form of online text on short-distance running material. This study uses qualitative methods aimed at describing, summarizing various conditions, various situations, or various phenomena of social reality. This study focuses on obtaining activities that reflect the achievement of learning outcomes for short-distance running materials through learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The data obtained is in the form of monitoring and studying the learning activities of V SD Negeri 010019 Sei Kepayang students for the 2020/2021 academic year. The results of the data obtained on the short-distance running Athletics material, namely students have cognitive aspects of learning outcomes with a total of 17 students (100%) achieving complete" learning outcomes status, and 0 students (0%) having "incomplete" learning outcomes. The implementation of PJOK learning for fifth grade students in short distance running shows that students can still take part in learning well so that they are able to achieve classical graduation above 75%. The conclusion in this study is the blended learning learning process in this case shows that the stages applied by the teacher can provide an effective learning process during the covid-19 pandemic to provide learning materials and assessments with media that can be operated by students. The application of online learning in a short time can help the effectiveness of learning other subjects so that a series of learning plans set by the school can be realized properly

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