
The main socialist values are the soul of socialist legal construction. The introduction of basic socialist values into the construction of the rule of law is an inevitable requirement for maintaining a combination of State governance on a legal basis and State governance on the basis of moral norms, and this is an important way to strengthen the construction of basic socialist values. The promotion of the introduction of basic socialist values into legislation has become an important measure for the introduction of basic socialist values into the construction of law and order and an important way of implementing basic socialist values. From the point of view of the rule of law, upholding the basic socialist values in laws and regulations undoubtedly requires the transformation and elevation of basic values, such as politics and moral norms, to the level of legal norms, so that they can receive a source and normative characteristic of justice, execution and protection.However, from the point of view of judicial practice and social reality in China, there are other types of norms that serve as the basis for court decisions and the normative basis for the behavior of the subject. Therefore, the “Insurance Law” as the basic law in the fi eld of traditional commercial law, the introduction of basic socialist values developed by a legal source based on the central position of the legislator, and should be based on the Constitution of the Civil Code of China. Here is about the fact that the constitution is the main right and dominant in the legal system of any countryThe content “The state supports the basic socialist values” was added to article 24 “Amendment to the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China”, adopted on March 11, 2018. So that the basic socialist values are raised to the level and height of constitutional norms, and, thus, the defense of the basic socialist values has the highest legal force of the constitution. The Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China is guided by the “Constitution”, and in article 1 “the task of legislation” further proposes and requires “the promotion of socialist core values” and accepts the integration of the civil and commercial codes as a legislative tradition and legislative style.This is what provides the normative basis of the legal source for the introduction of the Law on Insurance into the basic socialist values. Principles and institutions, as the main forms of manifestation of law in the source of law, have also become two fi elds in which the basic socialist values are integrated into the Law on Insurance. Field integration at the level of basic principles should be mainly based on the principle of good faith, but based on the characteristics of insurance activity and insurance management, the overall integrity of the core values should be raised to the highest level of maximum integrity in order to offer a higher degree of honesty to insurance entities.Integration at the level of institutions requires not only the concretization of the principle of maximum integrity, but also the integration of basic values, such as freedom, equality, justice and the rule of law, into specifi c institutions in order to offer norms of behavior and justice for insurance entities and judicial authorities from the level of a legal source. In addition, from the position of judges in the center of justice, from the legal source, the introduction of basic socialist values has certain disadvantages, therefore, other types of norms besides legal sources should be introduced, such as appropriate judicial explanations about the Insurance Law, in this general fi eld, to help correct the shortcomings of the Insurance Law in the legal source, the full manifestation and implementation of the guiding and guiding role of the basic socialist values in the insurance legislation and insurance practice of China, the effective normalization and leadership of the healthy development of the insurance industry in China, as well as the demonstration and implementation of the contribution of insurance to the socialist economic order of China, and serves as a "stabilizer" of public order.


  • 二、社会主义核心价值观《保险法》融入之法源场域 法律体系由法律概念、法律原则与法律规则构成,而作为法源形态的法的表现方式主要由原则和规则 构成。诚如各种时代精神进入法律秩序总是需要一定的关口,7社会主义核心价值观融入《保险法》亦需要 一定的关口与场域,这即《保险法》的基本原则和具体规则,以此才能使社会主义核心价值观获得《保险 法》的法源性与裁判之规范性。 法律原则蕴含、彰显与承载了一部法律的精神理念与价值意旨,贯穿和指导立法、司法和守法始终,协 调和统帅着各项具体规则,发挥着行为指引、阐释法律和漏洞填补等功能,具有抽象性、概括性、统帅性 等表征,与社会主义核心价值观具有高度契合性,可以很好地将社会主义核心价值观转化和融入到法律基 本原则之中。 不过需要注意,社会主义核心价值观具有多元性与层次性,将社会主义核心价值观转化和融入法律基本 原则,并不意味着将12个核心价值观全部转化和融为基本原则,而应当根据作为融入对象的该部法律的调 整对象、调整方法,以及其立法目的进行考量确定。 《保险法》作为商事领域的重要立法,以规范保险活动,保护保险活动当事人合法权益,加强保险业 监督管理,维护社会经济秩序和社会公共利益,促进我国保险业健康发展为立法宗旨。8而作为《保险法》 规范和调整的保险活动以及保险业发展是否规范与稳健,不仅关涉当事人利益,更关涉我国社会经济秩序 的良性运行,关涉人民人身、财产安全保障,关涉国家的富强昌盛与和谐发展,即与社会主义核心价值观 之国家层面的价值目标是完全一致的。但是,富强、民主、文明、和谐虽然可以作为保险活动与保险业发 展的价值目标与运营结果,但不宜将其转化为保险法基本原则。相反,保险活动与保险业稳健发展所欲追 求的富强、和谐目标除了要通过守法经营,尊重社会公德和社会公共利益得以实现外,更主要仰赖于保险 活动当事人及相关主体的诚信行为和诚信经营。也就是说,诚信是保险活动和保险业健康和稳健发展的基 石,与核心价值观之诚信价值完全契合,将诚信价值转化与融入保险法之诚信原则价值同一、逻辑自洽。

  • The Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China is guided by the “Constitution”, and in article 1 “the task of legislation” further proposes and requires “the promotion of socialist core values” and accepts the integration of the civil and commercial codes as a legislative tradition and legislative style. This is what provides the normative basis of the legal source for the introduction of the Law on Insurance into the basic socialist values

  • Principles and institutions, as the main forms of manifestation of law in the source of law, have become two fields in which the basic socialist values are integrated into the Law on Insurance

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二、社会主义核心价值观《保险法》融入之法源场域 法律体系由法律概念、法律原则与法律规则构成,而作为法源形态的法的表现方式主要由原则和规则 构成。诚如各种时代精神进入法律秩序总是需要一定的关口,7社会主义核心价值观融入《保险法》亦需要 一定的关口与场域,这即《保险法》的基本原则和具体规则,以此才能使社会主义核心价值观获得《保险 法》的法源性与裁判之规范性。 法律原则蕴含、彰显与承载了一部法律的精神理念与价值意旨,贯穿和指导立法、司法和守法始终,协 调和统帅着各项具体规则,发挥着行为指引、阐释法律和漏洞填补等功能,具有抽象性、概括性、统帅性 等表征,与社会主义核心价值观具有高度契合性,可以很好地将社会主义核心价值观转化和融入到法律基 本原则之中。 不过需要注意,社会主义核心价值观具有多元性与层次性,将社会主义核心价值观转化和融入法律基本 原则,并不意味着将12个核心价值观全部转化和融为基本原则,而应当根据作为融入对象的该部法律的调 整对象、调整方法,以及其立法目的进行考量确定。 《保险法》作为商事领域的重要立法,以规范保险活动,保护保险活动当事人合法权益,加强保险业 监督管理,维护社会经济秩序和社会公共利益,促进我国保险业健康发展为立法宗旨。8而作为《保险法》 规范和调整的保险活动以及保险业发展是否规范与稳健,不仅关涉当事人利益,更关涉我国社会经济秩序 的良性运行,关涉人民人身、财产安全保障,关涉国家的富强昌盛与和谐发展,即与社会主义核心价值观 之国家层面的价值目标是完全一致的。但是,富强、民主、文明、和谐虽然可以作为保险活动与保险业发 展的价值目标与运营结果,但不宜将其转化为保险法基本原则。相反,保险活动与保险业稳健发展所欲追 求的富强、和谐目标除了要通过守法经营,尊重社会公德和社会公共利益得以实现外,更主要仰赖于保险 活动当事人及相关主体的诚信行为和诚信经营。也就是说,诚信是保险活动和保险业健康和稳健发展的基 石,与核心价值观之诚信价值完全契合,将诚信价值转化与融入保险法之诚信原则价值同一、逻辑自洽。. The content “The state supports the basic socialist values” was added to article 24 “Amendment to the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China”, adopted on March 11, 2018.

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