
The article is aimed at investigating the current practice of verifying information in non-financial statements of oil and gas sector companies. The study is based on the analysis of the current regulatory framework for confirming “(certification)” of non-financial reporting, which is structured into two blocks: regulatory documents that define the requirements for the disclosure of information in non-financial reporting, applied at the international and national levels, and regulatory documents that define the requirements for the verification of non-financial reporting at the international and national levels. A comparative analysis of the main standards and recommendations used for disclosure of information in ESG reporting is carried out. Regulatory acts containing general requirements for disclosure of information about the activities of PJSC oil and gas complex in the Russian Federation are considered. The systematization of Russian regulations in the field of disclosure of information on sustainable development and ESG factors and structural elements of the annual report is carried out and the characteristics of the main regulations for conducting an independent audit of non-financial reporting are given. In the course of the study, a matrix of categories was developed that ensure the reliability of public reporting. The features of the verification practice of Russian oil and gas companies that are system-forming are considered. An overview of Russian companies disclosing non-financial information in accordance with GRI, SASB, TCFD and CDP standards is presented. Based on the conducted research, it is concluded that the current regulatory framework in the field of confirmation (assurance) of non-financial reporting requires improvement of the terminology and differentiation of the concepts of “verification”, “assurance”, “confirmation”, “audit”, in order to develop the practice of business audit of the XXI century. The study can be useful for managers and decision makers aimed at implementing the Concept of Sustainable Development and achieving Sustainable Development Goals.

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