
The joint utilization of the Fifth Generation Communications Technology (5G) and the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) serves as a promising solution to address the challenges associated with insufficient visible satellites and lower observation quality in urban environments. 5G allows for the angle and distance measurements, augmenting the performance of Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning. To quantify the improvement of 5G observations on RTK positioning, this paper proposes a float solution gain factor and the Ambiguity Dilution of Precision (ADOP) gain factor. Based on these gain factors, the theoretical analysis and simulation are performed. This study designs an extended Kalman filter for 5G-assisted BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) RTK positioning, employing both the Full Ambiguity Resolution (FAR) and Partial Ambiguity Resolution (PAR) modes. Our experiment verified the effectiveness of 5G-assisted BDS RTK positioning in mitigating outlier occurrences and improving the ambiguity fixing rate as well as the positioning accuracy. In the FAR and PAR modes, the Three-Dimensional (3D) spatial accuracy increased by 48% and 18.8%, respectively, and the results are consistent with theoretical analysis based on gain factors. The fixing rate of RTK increased from 11.11% to 13.93%, while it increased from 32.58% to 44.43% for the PAR mode. The assistance of 5G observations reduced the median error for the FAR mode from over 1.3m to 0.9 m, and the third quartile from 2.1m to 1.05 m. For the PAR mode, the median error decreased from 0.5m to 0.12 m, and the third and fourth quartiles decreased from 0.65m to 0.38 m.

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