
Since the Biden administration took office, it has inherited the Trump administration's perception that China is a major strategic competitor, so China and the United States have entered a competition-oriented dynamic. Political and economic changes around energy will add new instability factors to Sino-US relations and open new areas for China and the US. Under the background of the Sino-US trade war, this paper discusses that America and China, as the most influential representatives of developed and developing countries to achieve global energy goals, the game between the two sides around the economy and other fields will affect the development of Sino-US climate change cooperation status quo. At the same time, the paper studies the existing cooperation foundation under the current context of the intensified energy game between China and the United States, such as new energy vehicle technology. The energy transition is the general trend for the world's largest energy consumer, and carbon emitter. Both countries may achieve a win-win situation by joining hands in energy transition and cooperation to tackle the climate crisis. All possible cooperation will also provide new opportunities for Sino-US relations, but the changes they trigger may exacerbate the existing fierce game, and even create new conflicts. Therefore, accurately grasping the two-way interaction between China and the United States in the energy field is of great benefit to the global energy transformation and the development of green technology.

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