
The purpose and objectives. The purpose of the article is to analyze the formation of the subsystem of international relations in Northeast Asia from the point of view of the civilizational approach, and the role of such countries as China, Japan, Mongolia and Korea in this process. Methodological approach. The methodology of L.N. Gumilev is the main one in the work, as well as the systematic approach developed in Oriental political science by A.D. Voskresensky, general scientific methods of cognition and the comparative historical method are also used. Results and conclusions. The article offers an examination of the ideology and model of conducting foreign policy of individual countries of Northeast Asia, primarily China, Japan, Mongolia and Korea, from the point of view of a civilizational approach in the context of the formation of a new order and a new subsystem of international relations in Northeast Asia. Originality and value. The study is valuable in view of its relevance and originality of the work, which focuses on obtaining new knowledge about the ideology and model of conducting foreign policy of individual countries of Northeast Asia, primarily China, Japan, Mongolia and Korea, the study of contradictions between ethnic and non-ethnic systems of these states, determining their role in the emergence of a new, the change of the Mongol-Chinese-centric order, and a new stage in the history of international relations in Northeast Asia.

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