
The professionalization of the army is one of the main components of the process of creating optimal numbers, mobile, well-armed, combat-capable Armed Forces in Ukraine. At the current stage, the combat capability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is ensured not only by the availability of the latest types of weapons, sufficient funding of combat training activities and full staffing, but also by the high level of military and professional training of servicemen, the quality and dynamism of the educational process in military institutions of higher education.
 Reforming the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reforming the system of higher education - these factors determine the need to reform the system of training future officers in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There is an opportunity to abandon outdated methods of organizing physical training and implement the most effective ones. An urgent issue before the development of new technologies is the research and analysis of the system of organization of physical training of servicemen of the Armed Forces of the leading NATO countries.
 Recently, specialists in physical training of the armed forces of the leading NATO member states began to pay special attention to three main components (directions), namely: muscle strength; muscular endurance; cardiorespiratory endurance. [2].

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