
The development of technology in current digital era has made it easier for people to do stock investment anytime and anywhere through applications in their mobile phone. As one of the latest tech-literate generation, people who are categorized as Generation Z are expected to have an access to ample and incessant their knowledge including on stock investment. Unfortunately, this amenity doesn’t directly proportional to the enthusiasm of Generation Z in Bandung City to do stock investment. Currently, the enthusiasm on stock investment is still relatively low among Generation Z in Bandung City. Therefore, this study aims to analyze several factors that might affect the enthusiasm in doing stock investment. Variables measured as factors affecting the results are financial literacy, risk tolerance, and stock return. In obtaining the data needed, the researcher used a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to 400 respondents in Bandung City. By using multiple linear regression analysis, the researcher found that financial literacy and risk tolerance, individually and simultaneously affect the enthusiasm on stock investment among Generation Z in Bandung City, while stock return is insignificant in this research.

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