
The data of the World Health Organization say that caries is the most widespread infectious disease in the world: 85–90% of the adult population of the planet suffer from this disease, and in Russia this figure reaches 95%. The leading link in the prevention of caries is oral hygiene, individual and professional. First of all, the means of individual oral hygiene include toothpastes. Toothpastes, depending on their composition, can be divided into hygienic and therapeutic and prophylactic. Anti-caries pastes, belonging to the group of thera-peutic and prophylactic, and they are aimed at strengthening the mineral tissues of the tooth by increasing the concentration of these elements in them. Fluoride toothpastes also have anti-caries effect. To date, a large number of these tooth-pastes are presented on the dental market.The aim of the work was a clinical assessment of the anti-carious efficacy of two commercial samples of toothpastes «President Classic» and «Paradontax Comprehensive Protection» in the presence of restorations in the oral cavity in patients. Materials and methods. In the course of the study (for 6 months), a group of students (40 people) aged 18 to 25 years with a high intensity of caries (KPU from 5 to 8) and not having bad habits were observed, who, depending on the group, were used different fluorine-containing toothpastes (President Classic (mass fraction of fluoride F=1450 ppm) and Parodontax Complex protection (mass fraction of fluoride F=1450 ppm). Results. Studies have shown that an individually prescribed oral care system for patients with multiple caries using directional oral hygiene products reduces the prevalence and intensity of caries and normalizes the cariogenic situation in the oral cavity: improves the hygienic state of the oral cavity, increases enamel resistance to acidic dissolution. In patients who used President Classic toothpaste at home, the average increase in the intensity of caries was reduced by 94%. Conclusion. Thus, the studied studies have shown that an individual cavity care system for patients with multiple caries with the use of an oral hygiene of an aimed action, reduces the prevalence and intensity of caries and normalizes the calculation of the caries-beacon in the oral cavity.

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