
The problem of medicines counterfeiting is relevant for all countries of the world, without exception. At the same time, the effectiveness of combating the spread of counterfeit medicines (CM) in different countries, as well as the volume of counterfeited medical products, varies. Any state that aimed to ensure highly effective control over the circulation of medicines has to elaborate a comprehensive solution to this problem, primarily to adopt high-quality national legislation. The executive authorities should not only pay attention to neutralizing CM problem, but also take the most active part in this process. The primary role here should be played by law enforcement authorities. There is a need for coordinated work by law enforcement authorities to investigate the cases of falsified medicines and clandestine production, as well as by regulatory bodies to identify such products. It is also necessary to systematize the investigative and judicial practice on this issue, create an unified system for recording the facts of identifying the counterfeit drugs. The need for systematic monitoring and analysis of regulatory legal acts regarding the counteraction to the circulation of the CM in order to assess their effectiveness, as well as the adoption of appropriate measures by the authorized bodies, determine the relevance of the study.
 The aim of the work was to analyze the laws and regulations of CM adopted in Ukraine after the Declaration of Independence had been signed (1991), to assess their effectiveness in terms of bringing perpetrators to justice for pharmaceutical counterfeiting.
 Materials and methods. Scientific publications on the problem of CM, as well as the Laws of Ukraine and legal acts adopted by various authorities to combat the spread of falsified medicines, reports of law enforcement agencies, the General Prosecutor’s Office, the State Judicial Administration, court decisions included in the Unified State Register of Court Decisions (USRCD) under Article 321-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The analysis of the respective norms of the legislation adopted during 1991–2020 is carried out.
 Results. Having analyzed the reports of law enforcement agencies, the State Statistical Office, and the Prosecutor General’s Office, the authors established that none of the people who had been convicted under Article 321-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, after the entry of the guilty verdict into force, was in places of deprivation of liberty. There are many information sources that provide various forms of statistics, but understanding them is quite a challenge. A large number of criminal proceedings have been investigated for a long time, and since the USRCD is inaccessible, and is available only for the pre-trial investigation bodies and the prosecutor’s office, it is impossible for a private person to get information regarding the end of the pre-trial investigation in certain cases.
 Conclusions. Despite the large quantity of regulatory legal acts adopted in Ukraine to prevent the spread of counterfeit medicines, the severity of the sanctions of Article 321-1 of the Criminal Code, which criminalizes the falsification and circulation of medicines, as well as the importance of medicines’ counterfeiting for public health, the effectiveness of measures to combat this phenomenon is dramatically low.


  • Мета роботи – аналіз законів і нормативно-правових актів (НПА) з питань фальсифікації лікарських засобів (ЛЗ), що ухвалені в Україні після проголошення незалежності, та оцінювання їхньої ефективності в аспекті притягнення винних осіб до відповідальності за підроблення фармацевтичної продукції

  • Незважаючи на великий масив НПА, ухвалених в Україні для запобігання поширення фальсифікованих лікарських засобів (ФЛЗ), на суворість санкції статті 321-1 КК України, якою встановлена кримінальна відповідальність за фальсифікацію та обіг ФЛЗ, а також на важливість для здоров’я населення, питання фальсифікації ЛЗ, ефективність заходів боротьби з цим явищем доволі низька

  • Scientific publications on the problem of counterfeit medicines (CM), as well as the Laws of Ukraine and legal acts adopted by various authorities to combat the spread of falsified medicines, reports of law enforcement agencies, the General Prosecutor’s Office, the State Judicial Administration, court decisions included in the Unified State Register of Court Decisions (USRCD) under Article 321-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

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Мета роботи – аналіз законів і НПА з питань фальсифікації ЛЗ, що ухвалені в Україні після проголошення незалежності, та оцінювання їхньої ефективності в аспекті притягнення винних осіб до відповідальності за підроблення фармацевтичної продукції. Проаналізували наукові публікації з проблеми фальсифікації ліків, а також Закони України та НПА, ухвалені різними органами влади для боротьби з поширенням фальсифікованих ФЛЗ, звітність правоохоронних органів, Генеральної прокуратури, Державної судової адміністрації (ДСА) та судові рішення, внесені в Єдиний державний реєстр судових рішень за статтею 321-1 Кримінального кодексу (КК) України. The problem of medicines counterfeiting is relevant for all countries of the world, without exception. Any state that aimed to ensure highly effective control over the circulation of medicines has to elaborate a comprehensive solution to this problem, primarily to adopt high-quality national legislation.

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